Thursday, September 3, 2009

“Cure Infant Thrush” plus 4 more


“Cure Infant Thrush” plus 4 more

Cure Infant Thrush

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 07:18 PM PDT

Causes of Infant Thrush

In layman's terms, Oral Thrush in Infants is caused when the immune system and the healthy bacteria in a baby's mouth fail to control the amount of yeast in a baby's body. Overgrowth of yeast occurs in the mouth of the baby which is then commonly referred to as Thrush. Infant Thrush may also be transferred from mother to child during birth should the mother suffer from vaginal thrush. In this day age that we find ourselves in, antibiotics are easily prescribed by doctors but it is also a contributing factor in the growth of Candida Albicans the biological name for the yeast overgrowth.

Symptoms of Infant Thrush

Thrush in itself is looking like cottage cheese on the inside of a baby's mouth but cannot be wiped away. The corners of the baby's mouth may be cracked and if it is scratched off it might start to bleed or look inflammatory. Your Child might be reluctant to feed or it will try to feed but then stop only to repeat the process again. This is simply because the mouth of your baby is sore. Now picture this scenario, your baby are only 8 weeks old, there are regular diaper changes and feedings that takes place. Add to this scenario the possibility of your child having Thrush and it suddenly seems not such a good prospect anymore.

Conventional Medicine

Well, what can be so difficult? Let's go to the doctor and get medicine to attend to this problem once and for all, it cannot be that difficult? Right? Maybe not! If Thrush is not treated in the proper way and manner it will most probably always return. The approach to cure Thrush must be in a holistic manner. Mother and child needs to be treated in order to achieve proper results otherwise Thrush will just return at a later stage. Now, the possible side effects of conventional medicine do not sound very nice.

Nystatin - Diarrhea, bloating, nausea.

Diflucan - Nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite.

Collidial Silver - Kidney damage, stomach distress, headaches, fatigue.

Tea Tree Oil - Ingestion, depression and can cause ulcers of the mouth and throat.

Above mentioned products are but just a few that is available and only a few of the side effects are listed. Do you really want to add to the discomfort of your baby in administering this medicine if those are the possible side effects?

Baby Feeding - Feeding Your Baby Healthy Foods For a Good Start

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 03:57 PM PDT

Knowing what to feed your baby in the early stages is a little easier because she will be on liquid diet of breast milk or formula (preferably breast milk when possible). But what happens when it's time to start introducing soft solid foods? Your pediatrician will help guide you on when to start introducing solids but generally the main diet for babies up to six months should be breast milk or formula.

When you start introducing solid foods it should be foods like soft cereals -- rice, barley or oat -- and pureed or mashed fruits and vegetables. Watch baby to make sure there isn't a reaction to the new foods and note anything you notice. Fruits that are good starters include bananas, applesauce, avocado, peaches, mango and plum to name a few. Vegetables that are good starters include sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots and peas to name a few. The fruit should be mashed and pureed and the vegetables should all be cooked, mashed and pureed.

Many are finding that homemade baby food is cheaper and many feel healthier than commercial baby food. Homemade baby food is fresher and you have complete control of the ingredients so you know exactly what's in the food; there aren't any fillers just nutritious food.

Don't panic, making baby food isn't that difficult. Choose the foods you want to make, cook those foods until they are somewhat soft, let them cool, then put them in food processor or blender and puree. You can also use an immersion blender to puree the foods to make it that much easier. You can use water, breast milk or formula to mix the puree if needed.

Baby feeding with homemade foods can be a lot of fun as you create combinations and start learning your baby's likes and dislikes. It also feels better feeding your baby something you made instead of something that came in a jar. It's easy to freeze and store so you can have food on hand and ready at any time.

Baby feeding is an important part of your baby's first years. After all baby is quickly growing and developing, needing nutrient rich foods to help the little system become it's best. You don't want to feed empty calories. Everything baby eats should have nutritional value.

Gentian Violet For Infant Thrush - Is it Safe?

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 02:54 PM PDT

Infant oral thrush can be difficult and frustrating to treat. Babies' undeveloped immune systems, combined with the frequent consumption of sugar-rich breastmilk or formula, can cause infant yeast to be a persistent and chronic problem without the proper treatment.

In baby, infant thrush may cause symptoms such as white patches on the baby's cheeks and gums or a thick, white film on baby's tongue. Your infant may also be excessively fussy and reluctant to feed. Breastfeeding moms may notice that their nipples are red, sore, cracked or flaky; they may also experience discomfort while nursing or deep, stabbing pains in their breasts.

Many moms turn to the internet looking for safe, natural (and inexpensive) cures to treat infant thrush. Gentian violet is one home remedy that is popular for being effective and easy to use. Available in some drug stores, gentian violet is known for its dark purple color -- which will stain anything it comes into contact with!

However, besides the inconvenience of having purple stains everywhere, a recent study raised serious concerns about long term safety. The study linked use of gentian violet with increased risk of oral cancer. Excessive use can also cause ulcerations inside a baby's mouth and throat.

Gentian violet is prohibited by the FDA from being added to animal feed. Further evidence has shown that it may cause cancer in the digestive tract of animals.

For these reasons, as a natural health advocate, I strongly recommend against the use of gentian violet for infant thrush--it's simply not necessary to treat infant thrush effectively.

It's important to treat infant thrush at the root of the problem, which is an underlying yeast imbalance, otherwise even when the yeast is killed, the underlying imbalance remains. This translates into further yeast problems or other health problems down the line.

Infant Yeast Infection? What Causes it and How to Cure it Naturally

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 02:54 PM PDT

Changing diapers, waking up for night feedings, holding and caring for your little one: taking care of an infant is hard work! Throw infant yeast in there and it can make things really difficult, both for you and your baby.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of infant yeast? You may observe yeast overgrowth as a bright red, clearly defined rash on your baby's bottom -- this means that the yeast is present in your child's digestive tract. Yeast overgrowth is most commonly found in your infant's mouth and may be observed a white patches of yeast overgrowth on his or her cheeks, tongue and gums. Yeast overgrowth can cause your child to be unusually fussy and have trouble nursing. Colicky-type symptoms are also more common.

Infant yeast, if not treated properly, can lead to ongoing, chronic problems down the line, including food allergies, asthma, digestive disturbances, weakened immunity, etc. This is because the yeast excretes numerous toxins and invades the cell walls of your child's digestive tract, allowing food particles to pass through that shouldn't pass through. This causes general inflammation, which can contribute to a host of health problems.

Modern medical practices have made infant yeast more common than ever. Nearly 1 in 3 first-time moms undergo a c-section, which means both surgery and antibiotics: two risk factors for developing yeast overgrowth. Up to another third of moms are treated with antibiotics for the presence of Strep B, meaning millions more moms and babies are at increased risk for yeast. Premature babies, whose immune systems are weaker, are also predisposed towards thrush.

Many moms are turning towards holistic, natural treatments for thrush -- and with good reason. Common prescription drugs for thrush, such as Diflucan, carry the risk of serious side effects, including nausea, vomiting, seizures and even liver failure.

However, home remedies for thrush are not entirely without risk either. For example, gentian violet, which is a commonly used home remedy for thrush, raises the risk for oral cancer later in life. In excessive amounts, gentian violet can also cause sores and ulcers on your babies mouth and throat.

My experience and research into infant yeast proves that the best approach is to kill the yeast naturally, without side effects, and at the same time to restore the underlying imbalance that allowed the yeast to grow in the first place. This prevents the yeast from becoming a chronic, underlying problem, as is too often the case.

Take heart! Armed with the right approach, infant yeast can be cured quickly safely and naturally.

Infant Thrush - Why You Should Avoid Harmful Prescription Drugs

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 02:53 PM PDT

Babies are so sweet and vulnerable and they are a mother's greatest joy. When your child suffers even a small discomfort, your first instinct is naturally to want to fix it. If your child has thrush, I know you want to solve the problem - quickly AND safely. So the question is, are anti-fungal drugs for infant thrush safe? Do they even work?

Every year, pediatricians write tens of thousands of prescriptions for babies and toddlers without even blinking an eyelash or giving it a second thought. And as a mom, the presence of a doctor can seem so authoritative and reassuring. Yet fortunately, more and more moms like you are taking it upon themselves to find only the best and safest remedies for their child.

So let's look at some of the commonly prescribed prescription drugs for infant thrush. The first common one which is also one of the most dangerous is Diflucan. Diflucan is very commonly prescribed for infant thrush, and yet even for full grown adults it carries the risks of side effects such as

* nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, jaundice
* fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms
* severe blistering, peeling and red skin rash
* easy bruising and bleeding, unusual weakness
* seizures (convulsions).

It's hard to fathom this drug is commonly prescribed for infant thrush when there are completely effective and safe alternatives that exist.

Now, another commonly prescribed drug for infant thrush in Nystatin. Fortunately, Nystatin is not so toxic as Diflucan, though it does carry the risk of side effects. One side effect being that Nystatin can cause the yeast cells to mutate into a more difficult-to-treat form! Not the desired result, is it? Also, Nystatin for infant thrush is mixed with sugar to make it more palatable for babies.

There are also many other anti-fungal drugs that may be used and they are all potentially risky for your child. Think of it as like taking an herbicide internally, because that's exactly what you're doing. Now, there are very rare instances, such as a blood fungal infection, where these drugs may be warranted, but those cares are extremely far and few between.

The other main problem with these prescription drugs is they don't cure the underlying imbalance that allowed the yeast to grow out of control in the first place! So your child is vulnerable to relapses from the same infection, vulnerable to other opportunistic infections, and at risk for long-term, chronic yeast problems!

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