Tuesday, September 15, 2009

“Diapers Online - Find Authoritative Advice and Detailed Information” plus 4 more


“Diapers Online - Find Authoritative Advice and Detailed Information” plus 4 more

Diapers Online - Find Authoritative Advice and Detailed Information

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 11:16 PM PDT

Look on the worldwide web to find ten million words devoted to just about everything. Searching through millions of words on tens of millions of sites, you learn to discern and discriminate among fact, fiction, fantasy, and outright lies. Business analysts describe the internet as "the wild west of international marketing," and appreciating a good scam when they see one, analysts concede the bad guys frequently appear more respectable than the good guys. Expectant parents, eager to learn about all things baby, go to the web in search of information and advice. If you number among those eager expectant parents, you may go to the web with confidence very few villains lurk among the baby care sites. More importantly, when you visit online parenting communities, you hit the mother lode of essential parenting information. And you may study the highest volume online diaper merchants with confidence that they dispense the web's most reliable product information. Putting together the pieces from your two reliable sources, you can make informed choices about buying diapers online.

Parenting Communities Candidly Discuss Shopping for Diapers Online.

Google the phrase "online parenting groups" and watch 75.5 million choices appear. Obviously, a lot of parents want to learn a lot about caring and providing for their children. You need not advance far beyond the second page of Google's listings, though, among the top listings, you will find "mommytalk.com" and "parenting.com." Pose your most piquant parenting question and find at least ten million words of sage advice on each site. "Mommytalk.com" currently lists more than 100 in-depth discussions of diapers. Organics, disposables, "AIO's," bargain brands, leaks and blow-outs, best and worst retailers in the real world and online-it's all there: "Parenting.com," same vast array of radically diverse but equally valuable choices.

Virtual Merchants Offer Product Information and Discounts on Diapers Online.

As its name strongly suggests, "diapers.com" numbered among the first to stake its claim on the virtual frontier, and it still sets the standard for all purveyors of diapers online. In addition to offering the web's widest array of diapers from its largest number of manufacturers at its very lowest prices, diapers.com wins big praise and "props" for its detailed product descriptions and its useful tools for comparing products. If, for example, you search diapers by brands, diapers.com shows you a chart of sizes, diapers-per-package, multi-pack options and discounts, and, best of all, the cost-per-diaper. That cost-per-diaper column enables you to compare values across the entire diapering spectrum from cloth to disposable through organic to AIO and all the way to let-'em-go-naked. Diapers.com wisely does not review or rate its products, but it gives more than enough diaper details for careful consumers to make very well-informed choices.

Organic Diapers - Enigmas Within Mysteries and Choices Within Choices

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 11:15 PM PDT

When you first bring baby home from the hospital, mom's recovery and dad's stamina matter most, so pure convenience determines your diaper choice. As long as baby comfortably wears "newborn" sized diapers, everyone will grant some leeway and latitude. Especially if mom plans a very short maternity leave and dad cannot afford extended "family" leave, recovery, stamina, and convenience must prevail. As baby stretches out the intervals between feedings and requires fewer diaper changes, though, you must take your stand in The Great Diaper Debate. You must choose between organic and synthetic, and you must choose between "reusable" and "disposable" or recyclable.

No doubt, legions of well-intentioned parents and your own conscience have told you "Gotta be organic. You must choose organic diapers." Stepping up and doing the responsible thing for baby and the planet, you pledge to use organic diapers. But which among the several varieties will you choose? You still must choose between cloth and state-of-the-art disposables.

You absolutely must not choose any diaper processed with chlorine or that periodically will require laundry with bleach. Old-fashioned disposable diapers go through several extra washes with exceptionally high bleach concentrations. Those extra washes give disposable diapers that sparkling white appearance; of course, they also contaminate the water system and leave dioxin in the soil. Similarly, you absolutely must not choose a cloth diaper made from ordinary cotton, because regular cotton production accounts for 40% of the world's chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

If you choose cloth diapers, make certain they are organic and chlorine-free. If you choose "organic" disposable, compost able, flushable, or recyclable diapers, double-check to make certain the manufacturer processed all the materials without chlorine. If you seek absolute and complete reassurance your child's diapers do Mother Earth no harm, look for manufacturers that tell you the sources of their raw materials. One organic diaper maker even tells you wood products in their diapers come exclusively from family-owned all-natural farms in Scandinavia.

The Environmental Working Group routinely tests consumer products, assessing their environmental impact, compliance with government standards, and safety for users. Although EWG has not yet completed an exhaustive diaper study, their advisors and contributors overwhelmingly recommend all-in-one diapers with hemp and organically grown cotton liners. EWG's experts maintain "pocket" diapers with cloth liners protect babies from toxins, safely and effectively absorb moisture, and stand-out as by far the most earth-friendly nappies mom and dad can buy.

Organic Disposable Babies Diapers

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 11:14 PM PDT

Now you can have it all: the convenience of disposable babies diapers and the reassurance of all-natural materials; "Organic disposables," no longer oxymoronic, promise to end the controversy and help to take Mother Earth out of harm's way.

Diaper technology may have advanced to the point where The Great Diaper Debate fades from screaming to whispers and ultimately becomes just a memory. Especially working parents and daycare providers stridently have argued in favor of disposable diapers, because they put a premium on quick-and-easy changes and zero maintenance: Who has time to fumble with pins or tricky closures, and who has time for daily laundry? Environmentalists, however, challenge disposable advocates' flagrant disregard for the planet's needs: Filled with chlorine, volatile organic chemicals, and plastics, old-fashioned disposables accumulate in landfills, releasing toxins without degrading. And the average baby clad in nothing but disposables will pile-up two tons of inorganic waste by the time he toddles up to the toilet.

At least five major manufacturers of babies' diapers now offer all-natural disposables. Even the frequent environmental offenders-Huggies and Pampers-come in all-new and all-natural materials. Most organic disposable diapers will go straight into the trash without inducing great pains in a parent's conscience; although they briefly take-up scare landfill space, they degrade and disappear in 150 days. The best organic disposables, however, are flushable and compostable. The flushable diapers typically are designed and developed for use in "pocket diapers," but a few work just like the old fashioned kind. Parents must break-up the paper and cellulose before they flush, but the flushables do go right down the drain. Compostable babies' diapers go right into the heap with all your other yard waste, breaking down at least as quickly as last autumn's leaves.

Advances in organic farming have made chemical-free wood more plentiful and affordable. Now, environmentally conscious manufacturers produce diapers that go from forest to baby to landfill untouched by toxins or volatile organic compounds. A few premium producers of organic disposable babies' diapers boast their raw materials come from rare trees organically grown on family farms in the world's emerging nations. That claim scores the environmentalist trifecta. Large-scale manufacturers attribute their innovations to development of new cellulose products. Used as substitutes for old-fashioned disposables' plastic outsides, new cellulose compounds share plastic's performance properties, but they come from corn instead of complex laboratory-synthesized polymers.

Cures For Colic - Three Simple Ways to Calm Your Baby

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 08:18 PM PDT

There are many tried and true tricks that can help you soothe a colicky baby. Some are more effective than others, as all babies are different. The common denomiator in surviving this stressful time is patience.

The cures for colic tricks listed below assisted me with my child who was extremely difficult.

The Colic Hold

This way of holding the infant is particularly effective and soothing if comfortable for the parent. The child lies face-down and the arm of the parent or caregiver is slipped between the legs up the body, with the infant's belly resting on the underside of the forearm. The hand is used the support the head and neck of the child. It is believed that the pressure on the belly may help relieve some of the discomfort of an immature digestive tract and may help gases pass more smoothly.

The Bicycle Exercise

This cures-for-colic trick was effective in soothing my colicky baby. Find a secure, flat surface (floor, changing table, couch, etc.) Place baby on her back and grab her little feet, moving them gently in a circular bicycling motion. It may take a few minutes but the motion does help. This encourages gas to pass down and out.


Sometimes colic is due to an immature digestive tract contracting violently when gas is passed. The pain and pressure can be relieved by simethicone-based anti-gas medicines which are safe to dispense after each feeding with baby. There are also cures-for-colic tablets that can be dissolved in baby's mouth that are herbal, which you can find at any drugstore. It is important to read dosage instructions carefully and check with your baby's pediatrician before dispensing any type of medication to baby.

The Needs For Baby Monitors

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 05:19 PM PDT

Technology has changed the market for baby monitors considerably in recent years. The small plastic transmitters that picked up odd noises and transferred more static than actual baby noises have been replaced with more reliable technology that makes parents feel more relaxed leaving their little one sleeping while they get things done around the house.

Today's monitors vary considerably in price range, thanks to a variety of features and newer technology that some of them feature. Parents now have to think about a lot more than just what color might look best in the nursery when they start shopping for this essential item.

The biggest technological development in this industry is the method of observation that parents are now allowed to have over their child. While baby safety monitors that simply transmit noises coming from the room are still widely available, more parents are going for the comfort of video monitoring instead.

Units positioned out of the baby's room are now equipped with small screens where the baby can actually be monitored by video. How large this screen is and how clear the picture can be seen varies from model to model, with larger screens running in the higher end of the market.

For parents who want to visually check on their smaller children before sleeping or during the night find these video baby monitors essential, even if they do have to pay a nice price for them. That is because they can check on the baby without actually getting out of bed and without opening the door to the nursery and risking waking the baby up.

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