When Emma Snyder started her job in Boulder County's vital records department, there were about 1,300 births a year and 900 deaths.

Jessica and Michael were the most popular baby names.

Snyder, who retired Friday after three decades with the county, has worked with vital records since 1987.

Oh, how times have changed.

The county now registers 4,000 births a year and 2,100 deaths.

Born in 1934, the Boulder County native said she's witnessed the area's development through its vital statistics. New names showed up in the birth records, as families moved here to work for companies like StorageTek, Sun Microsystems and IBM.

"What has marveled me most are the names," Snyder said.

It just so happens that Emma is now the No. 1 baby name for girls in the country. And Jacob is the most popular for boys.

Zubida Kruger, a supervisor in Snyder's department, said Snyder is well-known by local mortuaries for her extensive knowledge on the death-certificate process. As a Boulder County native, her knowledge about local history, mines and farms is an added bonus.

"She's been tireless in her research for genealogy requests," Kruger said. "She rarely comes up empty-handed when people are doing research. We're going to miss her terribly."

Snyder said that working with people is her favorite part of the job. With death certificates, she typically deals with mortuaries. But when she communicates directly with families, she understands it's an emotional time for them.

"I'm a very compassionate person, and I try to show them my compassion to make it as easy on them as I can," Snyder said.

She started her job with the county following the death of her own husband when she was raising four young children.

Snyder said she will use her retirement years to spend time with her children, and travel. She's planning a trip with her sister to Scotland, the home country of her maternal grandparents.

Contact Camera Staff Writer Brittany Anas at 303-473-1132 or anasb@dailycamera.com.