Friday, February 12, 2010

“Ellen DeGeneres suggests baby names to Eric Dane - USA Today” plus 3


“Ellen DeGeneres suggests baby names to Eric Dane - USA Today” plus 3

Ellen DeGeneres suggests baby names to Eric Dane - USA Today

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 07:34 AM PST

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Ellen DeGeneres offers Eric Dane some baby name ideas on her Monday show.

The Grey's Anatomy actor says wife Rebecca Gayheart is due to have their baby girl in "about three weeks." They have one name they really like, he says, "but Rebecca wants to wait until she sees her before we give her the name."

Ellen asks, "Is it a weird name? Because that is a celebrity trend now, weird names." Dane says, "It's not a weird name. ... we went straight down the middle with this one."

Replies Ellen: "Is it like, Jane Dane? ... What about Great Dane?  ... The Great Jane Dane."

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

EXCLUSIVE! Bethenny Frankel Talks About Picking Baby Names — 'It Better Be A ... - Hollywood Life (blog)

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 07:50 AM PST

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EXCLUSIVE! Bethenny Frankel Talks About Picking Baby Names — 'It Better Be A Girl!'


Even thought it's fashion week, Real Housewives of NYC star Bethenny Frankel only has babies and books on the brain!

Bethenny confessed exclusively to at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Red Dress Collection at Bryant Park on Feb. 11, "It's a good time in my life. My book [The Skinnygirl Dish] is on the New York Times bestseller list, I'm having a baby, I'm in love. I moved downtown … all the things I wanted are happening."

Bethenny, we couldn't be happier for you! And even though we are all dying to know what she is going to call her little one after she gives birth, Bethenny insists she hasn't picked a name yet … and doesn't even know the sex! "I have thought of baby names. Actually at my book signings they're all women so I get a lot of good ideas … so it better be a girl! But I [haven't chosen] anything official yet."

The reality show sensations admits, "I don't know that much about fashion or designers to I'm not going to pretend."  But one thing she knows a lot about is romance!  

Bethenny dished about her Valentine's Day plans with fiance Jason Hoppy: "I'm going to Chicago for a book signing and for an event for Pepperidge farm but I'm going to take Jason out for a romantic dinner. I'm not going to cook because I'll be in Chicago.  I don't cook as much as people think!"  —Corynne Steindler & Katrina Mitzeliotis 

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

What are the trendy baby names for the new decade? - Orlando Sentinel

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 07:38 AM PST

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When we named out first daughter Emma more than 16 years ago, we had no idea it would become the trendy, No. 1 girls' name in 2009. We just liked the sound of it, which isn't all that different from the name it kicked out of the top spot – Emily, a longstanding favorite.

As the Emily/Emma swap illustrates, we Americans are OK with incremental change. That's why sound-alike names will be the big winners this year, according to author Bruce Lansky, "The Baby Name Guru". Chloe has moved into the girls' top-10 list, while sound-alike Zoey is now in the top 100, according to the Social Security Administration. Aubrey has leap-frogged sound-alike Audrey and both are expected to continue climbing up the list from their solid footing in the lower-40s. Peyton and Payton each jumped more than 60 spots and are likely to keep rising. (Meanwhile, football pro Peyton Manning isn't inspiring as many boys' parents, perhaps because of the name's growing popularity for girls!)

Faith-based names such as Genesis and Leah have moved into the top 100, while several others have cooled off – Faith, Sara, Rachel and Neveah (Heaven spelled backward) among them.

Brooklyn has displaced Sydney as the No. 1 place name on the girls' list, at the expense of Brooke, which seems to be waning in popularity.

Old-fashioned names are becoming popular again with Madeline and Madelyn topping that trend.

What about the boys? More on that next week!

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Most popular baby names revealed for Saskatchewan and Moose Jaw - Moose Jaw Times-Herald

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 05:44 PM PST

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Ethan has been declared the most popular baby boy name for the eighth year in a row in Saskatchewan.

    But for parents in Moose Jaw, the name does not even make the top 10 for 2009.

    The top three boy's names in Moose Jaw for 2009 are Chase, Jaxon and Logan but across the province Liam and Carter are in positions two and three.

    Across Saskatchewan, Emma, which was the second most popular baby girl name in 2008, retook the number one position for 2009.

    The next most popular girl names province wide were Ava and Olivia.

    Moose Jaw parents seem to agree with Ava, as that also holds joint position two in the city with Hailey and Lily for 2009.

    But Chloe holds the top position in Moose Jaw for 2009.

    In Saskatchewan, there were 14,465 live births registered in Saskatchewan compared to 13,973 in 2008.

    According to a press release from the Government of Saskatchewan, there has not been this many births since 1992, when 14,992 live births were registered in the province.


Read more on this in a future Times-Herald edition

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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